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How to Properly Use and Interpret Results from the SpO2 Finger Sensor from Unimed Medical

Are you looking to improve your overall health and wellness? One helpful tool for monitoring your health is the SpO2 finger sensor from Unimed Medical. This device measures the oxygen saturation levels in your bloodstream, which can provide valuable insights into your respiratory function and overall well-being. However, knowing how to use and interpret this sensor’s results correctly is essential to get the most out of it. In this blog post, we’ll explore some tips and tricks for using the SpO2 finger sensor effectively so that you can confidently take charge of your health!

What is the SpO2 Finger Sensor?

The SpO2 Finger Sensor is a small, lightweight device that measures the oxygen saturation level in your blood. The sensor is inserted into a finger and sends data wirelessly to an accompanying app.

How to Use the SpO2 Finger Sensor

The Unimed Medical SpO2 Finger Sensor is a breath-based pulse oximeter that measures oxygen levels in the blood. When used correctly, this sensor can provide reliable and accurate readings that can help monitor a patient’s health.

To use the Unimed Medical SpO2 Finger Sensor, first, make sure you have a clear view of the sensor’s red light. Then place the sensor over the patient’s finger so the light shines on the back of their hand. Next, take a breath and hold it for two seconds while maintaining your grip on the sensor. After two seconds, release your breath and read the sensor’s reading.

How to Interpret Results from the SpO2 Finger Sensor

There are several ways to interpret the results from the SpO2 finger sensor. The first way is to use the readings as a baseline and compare them to subsequent readings to determine how well the patient’s breathing improves over time. The second way is to use the readings to indicate whether or not a patient should receive supplemental oxygen. The third way is to use the readings to tell whether or not there is an emergency that requires immediate medical attention.

It is important to note that each person’s oxygen levels vary slightly, so it is essential to take all of the readings from a single session and average them together before making any conclusions about how well a patient’s breathing is doing.


The Unimed Medical spO2 finger sensor is a valuable tool for monitoring oxygen levels in patients. It can be used in hospitals and other healthcare facilities, as well as by patients at home.

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